Ieee Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems


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NaCl's Crypto_box in Hardware

  • Authors:
  • Michael Hutter

    Rambus Cryptography Research Division, San Francisco, USA 94105

    Rambus Cryptography Research Partitioning, San Francisco, United states of america 94105

    View Profile

  • Jürgen Schilling

    Graz Academy of Technology, IAIK, Graz, Austria 8010

    Graz Academy of Technology, IAIK, Graz, Austria 8010

    View Contour

  • Peter Schwabe

    Radboud University, Digital Security Grouping, Nijmegen, Holland 6500

    Radboud Academy, Digital Security Grouping, Nijmegen, The netherlands 6500

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  • Wolfgang Wieser

    Graz University of Applied science, IAIK, Graz, Austria 8010

    Graz University of Technology, IAIK, Graz, Austria 8010

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This paper presents a depression-resource hardware implementation of the widely used crypto_box office of the Networking and Cryptography library (NaCl). It supports the X25519 Diffie-Hellman key exchange using Curve25519, the Salsa20 stream null, and the Poly1305 message authenticator. Our targeted application is a secure communication between devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Net servers. Such devices are highly resource-constrained and require carefully optimized hardware implementations. Nosotros propose the kickoff solution that enables 128-bit-secure public-key authenticated encryption on passively-powered IoT devices like WISP nodes. From a cryptographic point of view we thus make a first step to turn these devices into fully-fledged participants of Net communication. Our crypto processor needs a silicon area of kGEs and less than twoscore $$\mu $$W of power at ane MHz for a 130 nm low-leakage CMOS process technology.


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  1. NaCl'south Crypto_box in Hardware


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      Guide Proceedings cover image

      Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems -- CHES 2015

      677 pages

      ISBN: 978-3-662-48323-7

      DOI: ten.1007/978-3-662-48324-4

      • Editors:
      • Tim Güneysu ,
      • Helena Handschuh

      Copyright © 2015 International Association for Cryptologic Research



      Berlin, Heidelberg

      Publication History

      • Online: 10 March 2022


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