Social Media Posting for Events

Are You Using Social Media For Marketing?

The social media realm has get a force to exist reckoned with against older, more traditional forms of marketing.

Equally of 2022, 92% of businesses are using social media for marketing, and there are several key reasons why!

Social media is a place where billions of users (aka potential customers!) spend hours a day engaging with friends and brands alike.

This is ane of the major reasons why a solid social media marketing strategy is vital for every established and small business organization today.

Simply don't just accept our discussion for information technology, let's take a look at some of the numbers.

81% of the US population has at least one social media contour, and over half have 2 or more on various social media channels.

You may be thinking, "Okay, just because they're on social media sites, doesn't hateful they're engaging with companies and buying from them."


70% of business-to-consumer marketers have acquired customers specifically through Facebook.

And that doesn't even business relationship for what they've acquired through additional social media platforms.

For case, 93% of Pinterest users use this social network to plan or make purchases, and over ⅓ of Instagram users…

…have used Instagram to purchase a production online.

49% of xviii-29-year-olds alone accept purchased something they saw in a social media entrada across diverse platforms!

84% of CEOs, VPs, Co-founders, and business organization owners say they utilise social media to help make purchasing decisions.

And customers spend 20% – twoscore% more money on companies who are using social media for marketing.

using social media for marketing

Furthermore, seventy% of millennial consumers' buying decisions are influenced by peer recommendations.

And where are the bulk of millennials seeing their peers' purchasing decisions? Social media.

In curt, the metrics around social media alone tells us that a large percentage of the billions of active users…

…on the all-time social media platforms are using it daily, and they're using it to make purchases.

So what practice you lot, equally a business, practise with this information? How can using social media for marketing really transform your business organization?

Even if you've already utilized a social media marketing plan for your business for a while, how can you take it to the side by side level?

If these are the questions you're asking yourself.

Go along reading because nosotros're filling you lot in on all the secrets that make using social media for marketing successful!

Increment Traffic, Conversion Rates & Sales On Your Website

For nearly every business, there is a lesser line that is at the centre of all decision-making.

Companies determine what marketing tools and efforts to invest in based on the return on their investment from that particular digital marketing channel.

For most businesses, this means sales and lots of them.

But even for businesses that are more than cause or awareness-based and are driven by conversions…

…other than sales (such as petition signatures, followers, etc.).

Using social media for marketing can nevertheless radically transform how y'all achieve the end effect you're looking for.

LYFE Marketing has several case studies that highlight what social media advertisement tin do for a business concern.

But nosotros're going to analyze a few highlights here!

Let'southward beginning with ane of our clients, Nidhi, who is an owner of an eCommerce candle company.

using social media for marketing

Very simply put, the photograph above shows that Nidhi has seen a dramatic increment in sales even since our offset example study on her company!

LYFE Marketing's social media ads have helped her run across 614 purchases at an boilerplate of $10.fifty per purchase.

This means that in the span of almost a year and a half, she'south spent $vi,447.95 on Facebook ads and Instagram ads.

And, has made $23,164.41 dorsum from them!

With social media advertizement, you lot tin ship people directly to your site and track exactly…

…how many people saw the ad, clicked on it, and performed the activeness you're looking for and all at what cost.

This is something that other, more than traditional forms of marketing just don't accept the capabilities to do!

For example, y'all can pay for a billboard on the side of the route, but do you lot know exactly how many or what demographic of people saw information technology?

Does that number of people include your target market?

Do you lot know how many of the people driving past made a purchase because of information technology, and how much their purchase was worth?

All of this metric is crucial to creating a strategic, lean, and well-performing marketing campaign.

And using social media for marketing can provide your business these real-time insights and then some using several analytics tools available out there.

Not to mention that you'll spend infinitely less money on social media ad than y'all will on older.

Traditional forms of advertising, for frequently a higher payoff.

Take a look at the CPM of diverse marketing channels beneath:

using social media for marketing

Social media is i of the merely marketing channels that can betrayal you to over 1,000 people for less than $iii.

And, you go to rail exactly who those people were and what actions they took on tiptop of that.

Connecting With Your Target Audience

Nidhi is just one of many LYFE clients that have seen noteworthy ROI from social media advert.

But let'southward continue to analyze her campaign for just a minute longer.

Nidhi'southward target audience consists of a very niche grouping of people, only thanks to the extensive targeting selections on social media campaigns.

We can target people based on demographics, behaviors, purchasing behaviors, and interests.

In Nidhi's example, we've been able to target ex-pats from India and Bangladesh that alive in the United states of america, have purchased items…

…online in the past 7 days, and have an interest in Hinduism and Hindu holidays (which is specified when her products are used the well-nigh).

Considering we know exactly who is going to see her social media ads.

We tin can cater the ads to this specific audience to make the ads resonate with them- equally opposed to…

…throwing a full general ad up on a billboard and hoping it sticks with someone racing to get dwelling house subsequently work!

Another tool that social media offers (and that LYFE Marketing uses often!) is A/B testing, and we apply it with both audiences and creatives.

A/B testing is when you test small variations to see which item is going to achieve the about results at the lowest cost per result.

The start step with this is to test dissimilar ads, with the second step being testing dissimilar audiences.

using social media for marketing

The infographic above is the perfect example of testing multiple ad sets (audiences) and two different ads inside each ad set.

This way, you'll find which ad + audience combination is going to acquire the almost results at the lowest cost per consequence.

This is extremely helpful in connecting with your target audience because you lot can begin to see what type of:

Visual content, video content, or circumlocution they similar best, and who your virtually responsive target audience is.

Using social media for marketing allows you to suspension results down by gender, age, location, and more.

In Nidhi's case, we were able to learn that females were far more responsive than males.

So we were able to better classify her ad spend by only delivering her ads to females within her target audience.

This method of testing, optimizing, and streamlining costs is an ongoing procedure, and it's one that LYFE methodically produces for our clients every mean solar day!

Now That You lot've Continued With Your Target Audition, Expand Information technology

The more that you start using social media for marketing, the more data and information you will get together about your target audience.

Equally y'all collect this data, yous tin streamline your target audience and spend advertizing dollars where it makes the most sense equally nosotros mentioned above.

But you can also use tools within social media advertising that allow you to expand that audience.

A lookalike audience is an audience you can create on social media advertising platforms, and it'south exactly what it sounds like.

A lookalike audience is an audience that "looks like" an existing audience.

Platforms similar Facebook and Instagram can accept an existing audition.

And find more people that look like that audience based on algorithms and the massive amount of data that social media tracks every mean solar day.

The reason this is and then helpful is that you can take your list of customers.

And say, "Hey Facebook, go find more than people who look similar my customer base."

And just similar that? You've got millions of brand new social media users who have the same characteristics and behaviors every bit your existing customer base.

How would you have reached those people without using social media for marketing?

Or maybe a better question is how would you take found them in the outset place?

Engage Your Audience & Improve Client Retentiveness

Now that you lot've established who your target audience is by using social media for marketing.

It'south fourth dimension to brand sure they convert on your site time and time again!

In general, when it comes to acquisitions, at that place are ii loftier-level types of successful business organisation models:

High book and low-dollar amount, or low book and loftier-dollar amount.

The get-go model describes a business that depends on a loftier volume of sales because each sale may exist valued at a lower amount.

The second model describes a business that depends on a fewer number of sales because each auction is valued at a higher dollar corporeality.

Social media marketing can be used for both of these business models to continuously engage the consumer relationship.

And we're virtually to tell you how.

Using social media for marketing allows y'all to actually maximize retargeting ads, and retargeting is crucial…

…for both of the concern models mentioned above.

Retargeting is when you show an advertising to someone who you know is already familiar with your business in some style or another.

You can retarget audiences based on website traffic, customer electronic mail lists, people who follow you on social media,…

…people who have engaged with your previous posts or ads, and more!

Retargeting is absolutely central in acquiring new customers and in pushing existing customers to become echo customers.

using social media for marketing

Retargeting is absolutely central in acquiring new customers and in pushing existing customers to become repeat customers.

Retargeting is one of the last pieces of the sales funnel.

But it'due south 1 of the most important considering information technology helps take hold of whatsoever potential customers that went to your site simply didn't convert.

72% of online shoppers are likely to abandon their cart earlier checking out, and without retargeting.

Only eight% of those customers are probable to return to complete the transaction on their own.

Think of how many customers you could be missing out on if you're not implementing retargeting!

When using social media for marketing, y'all tin can also create ads that are specific to these retargeting audiences to requite them that extra push to catechumen.

For the showtime business model we talked about, retargeting ads could include a special disbelieve code…

…for example that incentivizes them to go dorsum to the site and make a purchase.

For the second business concern model nosotros mentioned, retargeting ads could requite a larger discount for "referring a friend" aka providing you lot…

…with a new, high-quality atomic number 82.

Overall, the beauty of using social media for marketing here is that you can track all of these audiences and then follow up with them with…

…engaging ads that are specific to them until they convert.

Increase Brand Awareness & Client Loyalty

This last benefit may seem similar a given.

But it goes paw-in-hand with retargeting, and it besides has some hidden benefits that unfortunately not everyone immediately thinks of!

Social media has become the new gateway between businesses and consumers.

People are commenting on different types of content posted on Facebook pages.

And direct messaging on Twitter, Pinterest, Linked In, Instagram and others to arrive touch with businesses more and more.

And the social media atmosphere is alive 24-7.

You never know when your social media content volition receive an organic touchpoint with a potential client.

Simply thankfully y'all can e'er be prepared when y'all're using social media for marketing.

Tools such equally Autobots and autoresponders tin exist set upwards and so that customers are attended to immediately…

…should they reach out to your business on social media.

Brands today ordinarily use chatbots on their social media accounts and websites.

This automatic messaging tool tin can be programmed to have answers for basic, full general inquiries from customers.

Nosotros oftentimes run across this in Facebook Messenger and is used for customer service purposes.

In a recent study, it shows that the growth of machines is expected to continue, making it possible for these chatbots to be a staple on social media.

Even if these automated messages include something as simple as, "Cheers for contacting u.s.a.!

Someone will reach out to yous inside 24 hours," you lot're still giving the customer that immediate peace of heed that y'all're here, and you lot care.

You're building priceless trust in that consumer relationship.

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Your social media ads can also work effectually the clock (so that yous don't have to!) to promote follower growth, engagement, and sales.

Your customer may non exist driving past that billboard you lot paid for at x pm, only they are scrolling on their telephone and seeing your retargeting ad!

The more times someone sees a make online and engages with it, the more likely they are to trust that business over competitors.

Final Takeaways On Using Social Media For Marketing

Using social media for marketing allows businesses to be there for consumers more ofttimes than e'er before.

And it allows consumers to accept direct contact with brands.

Both of these factors are allowing for one of the most intimate business organization-consumer relationships possible on a massive scale.

All the while businesses are consistently achieving that auction or ultimate conversion every bit a result!

It'southward no secret that using social media for marketing tin radically transform your business concern.

But information technology does take the right strategy and skillful knowledge to really leverage social media to your advantage.

Interested in learning more nearly the successful services our social media marketing agency offers?  Contact us today to learn more!

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